News Adds Negative Vibrations
In the Science of Getting Rich for Genuises you are asked to monitor how much news you watch during a week. In fact they challenge you you to avoid the news for a week. I can tell you in all honesty that was easy for me to do. I don't watch the news and avoid it at all costs. What ticks me off about the news is I hear something very sad and negative and then I think to myself, "What can I do about that piece of information?" The answer is usually "Not a damn thing!" And then that negative piece of information just adds to my vibrational bubble. I don't need that so out it goes! Trash!!
Just the other day I had a client in my studio talking on and on about the crisis in Haiti. Yes it is sad, yes I wish I could physically do something to help them, but there is only one thing I can do for them and that is pray. I don't dwell on the issue because it won't do any good anyhow. Besides, I don't watch the news to avoid hearing about things I can do nothing about. And like George Orwell stated "no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper". So who's to say it is the truth?
Now I know there are some of you out there who freak at the thought of missing news. You may think that you are going to miss something or that you are going to become some uninformed citizen. But I promise you, as a non-news reading citizen myself, if you must know it you will know it.
For example, let's talk about the weather for a minute. In Houston we had a major cold snap a few weeks ago. Most people knew about it a week to 10 days ahead of time. I don't watch the news and I knew about it a week ahead of time too. The same client who talked on and on about Haiti, told me about the horrible cold weather headed our way and how we had better be prepared. Okay, so I was warned. God, the universe, or my higher power made sure I knew about what I needed to know about because I trusted in it.
So trust that you will know. Don't waste your vibrational bubble listening to the news. Let's put those negative folks out of business. Or better yet let's start a positive news campaign. Hey, and just maybe that will put an end to the vicious circle in the first place. Now that's an idea!!:)
You don't have to be a big name journalist to make money from writing news. You can make a good sideline income by writing short new stories. You can make money by selling ideas for news stories, which is known as being a 'news stringer'. You could even make quite a big lump sum from what is known as a scoop! Business
First, choose a newsworthy area or two to specialise in. Good, topical ideas (but not the only ones you can write news on) are: Politics, the economy, sport, entertainment, culture, crime, business or the environment. If these sound a bit too heavyweight for you then focus on local news. For example, local politics is a LOT easier to write about than national politics.
Next, get familiar with some newspapers that publish news on your chosen newsworthy area. The national newspapers pay the most money but are more tricky to get started with. Local and regional publications are easier to sell to but not all pay for news stories - be sure to check first. If the titles are unfamiliar to you go and purchase copies of them and ascertain if there any back issues available. Study what types of news have been run by those publications in the past and aim to source similar news. Some publications want more factual news, while others want humorous news or sensationalist news.
There are a few directories where you can get contact details for newspapers and magazines. Here's a good one I use all the time: Media UK.
Now here's a very good way to get started: Look for the news stories that appear in your chosen publications every day or every few days. Do some research into those stories. See what else you can find out about them. Look for the story behind the news. People and events the original journalist might not have found out about. Follow those leads up and create new, sellable news stories of your own from them.
Your news story doesn't necessarily have to be that well written. If it's good the editor will put a pro. journalist on the case and still pay you for the lead. This is what is known as 'stringing'.
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